My rating: 5 of 5 stars
"It's not blood that makes us who we are," Dad said. "It's family. And it's not blood that makes us family. It's love." [Gives Light, #2]
This final volume is a testament to these words as Sky and Rafael get ready to welcome their adopted child and Sky's father Paul, who after 15 years in prison is finally being released.
Things aren't so simple as Sky comes to realize; Michaela (Mickey) Morales is a child that's suffered physically and emotionally. She hides her pain behind a brave front, something that reminds Sky of his husband Rafael when they first met. Sky and Rafael work together, love together to let Mickey know that she is wanted and that she can finally let go of her fear of being rejected and abandoned.
Sky's situation with Mickey might prove a little easier to handle than the one he faces with his dad. Paul Looks Over is a changed man after his stint in prison, Sky now sees a broken man whose wounds appear to deep to heal. Still suffering and blaming himself for the accidental death of his younger brother, he carries the pain of losing the woman he loved and was unfaithful to him to a serial killer who happened to be his best friend. A best friend he murdered when he enacted Blood Law and was the reason for his imprisonment.
Fearing the worst, Sky fights to make his father understand that nobody gets a perfect life. That there would have been no guarantees that things would have been different or even better if he and his mother had ever met and that the life they built and the family that they have now is worth living for.
This was a lovely conclusion to a wonderful series; you get to see how the younger generation has grown up-some already with children of their own, Sky comes face to face with a person from his past, sadly one of the characters doesn't have his happy ending. But the one thing that made me just beyond happy was Rafael and Sky-their love is still going strong, is never put into question, and their interactions with Mickey were just beautiful.
There's no doubt that we all have books or characters that we love, stories that fill us with wonder. Then there's that 'special' book that just makes you warm, the characters feel close to your heart. It stays with you and is the one that lifts you up, comforts you whenever you read it. This was such a series for me, I know that this will stay on the top of my reread list for a long time.
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