My rating: 4 of 5 stars
There are some (very) slight similarities between these guys relationship dynamics and the guys from the Dark Horse'verse, BUT Tyler, Alistair, and Mark are each dealing with a whole different set of issues. Mark is working through the aftermath of a divorce-dealing with an understandably hurt but bitter ex-wife, fighting to keep a relationship with his children, and struggling to express himself as a gay man in public. Alistair is in love with Mark but he feels pressured and guilty because of what he feels Mark sacrificed just to be with him; but it also hurts him that Mark isn't dealing well with their relationship beyond the boundaries of their home. They have an open relationship, but even with this they are struggling. Both fell in love but soon realized that they both prefer to be the top and don't feel comfortable being the bottom-enter Tyler.
Tyler meets and sleeps with these men at different times and under different circumstances. Through their interactions and sexual interludes Mark and Alistair realize that Tyler might be what makes their relationship complete. Tyler is a sweet and selfless young man, but he made my heart hurt-it always seemed that he got the raw end of the deal. I felt like he didn't think he deserved something for himself; it's like his longing was almost palpable and it almost made me cry.
I'll say this truthfully, I'm not a big fan of menage or polyamorous relationships in the novels I read, but Kate always manages to make me enjoy the ones in her novels.
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