My rating: 5 of 5 stars
The photo was just LAUGH OUT LOUD FUNNY, and the prompt definitely piqued my interest (awesome Nikyta!), then I found out it was by Charlie Cochet...I had to read this immediately.
Lately, men with children and family themed stories are at the forefront of my reading picks, and there are many of which I have fallen in love with. This story-which is going to be the start of a series (YAY!)-is at the top of the list.
Romance and comedy are the highlight of the story for me, the strong love between Trip and Robbie and the rest of their little family is so heartfelt. I admire that though it feels that Trip and Boone might not get their happy ever after, they try to make the best of the situation. But that when the reasons and motivations that drive the council are revealed he and Robbie (such a strong little man) make a stand, no longer willing to bow to his father and the clan.
A great start to what I know will be a wonderful series, and I for one am seriously looking forward for more of these lovely character's antics. Now about those fugly spiders...
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