"She is too fond of books, and it has turned her brain." — Louisa May Alcott

Monday, May 30, 2011

Infected: Bloodlines (review)

Infected: Bloodlines (Infected, #2)Infected: Bloodlines by Andrea Speed

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Whether books or films, I cry easily when it comes to tragi-dramas, or any sad story really; which is why I was giving this novel the run around. I knew I was most likely missing out on something wonderful b/c I love Andrea's writing, her extraordinary worlds, and particularly these characters.

Finally gathering some courage, and a handful of Kleenex, I picked this up. From the beginning I felt like I was holding my breath, the waiting making me wish for the whole bandaid thing yet at the same time happy to enjoy Par a little longer. The case Roan works on-involving a friend of Max who goes missing, then turns up dead-while a little interesting felt anticlimactic at the end, but it felt sort of fitting somehow b/c it didn't overshadow the events that were transpiring in Roan's life-at least, that's my opinion (maybe I was just too focused on Roan and Paris).

It is a bittersweet story; and while it was painful and sad, I understood Paris' decision. His worry for Roan, was just heartbreaking. He is such a an exceptional character and such a part of Roan it will feel strange to have one w/o the other; but of course, Paris being Paris, he will find a way to make his presence known.

So-after all the tears and the drama-I'm glad I read this great follow-up to Infected: Prey.

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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Witness (review

WitnessWitness by L.A. Gilbert

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

1st. read: 5/12-13/10

This is a sweet story about 2 men that are dealing with insecurities and loneliness; both of them tired of the club scene and one nights stands and wondering if they will ever find that someone special.

A chance meeting brings them together and they form a relationship. As their feelings deepen they start to realize that while they have each other they also have the love and support of their family and friends.

I loved Ben & Reece; they are both gentle and kind hearted, and have caring and nurturing natures. It's great how they work through their insecurities and hurts, and finally see them find their happiness together.

This story was a joy for me to read because it blends sweetness and romance without bordering on mushiness. I liked how Ben and Reece interacted; their intimate, funny, and even sad moments-how they dealt with it all together was very nice. Now if someone could've 'accidentally' tripped Jason, I would've been one happy woman.


Just reread this. Still a sweet read that gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.

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Friday, May 27, 2011

Switch 1-13 (review)

switch, Volume 13switch, Volume 13 by Naked Ape

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

While this series starts with a light comedic note, it evolves into something more dark and sinister as the GKNCD-particularly, Hal Kurabayashi and Kai Eto, follow the mystery behind a drug called 'switch' and the elusive and cunning organization that seeks it-the Ryugen.

Yet not is all as it seems because at the core of this secret drug and the key to unlocking it's whereabouts are Hal-a loner w/a caustic personality, and Kai-a seemingly naive and kind hearted guy who has an alter ego that 'wakes up' when he or his friends are in danger. But Kai's amnesia about an event that happened 16yrs ago, and Hal's father's mysterious disappearance aren't the only obstacles to uncovering 'switch'; attacks, betrayals, office politics, and dead end investigations only make the twisting road to finding answers much more precarious...and deadly.

Rounded out with a great cast of characters and well developed and intriguing storyline, this series kept me hooked from beginning to end. Hal and Kai's relationship is just plain fun to watch, as Hal fights a losing battle trying to keep Kai at arm's length. Mari's crush on Kai and her attempts at confessing are just plain cute and hilarious, as well as her dislike of Hal who she sees as an obstacle for Kai's affections.

This love triangle (in Mari's eyes...and mine), and other members of the GKNCD and their antics add a touch of humor to what could have been a very somber and sad story since most of the victims of the Ryugen's constant games of cat and mouse are just kids who'd turned to drugs out of guilt, loneliness, trauma, sexual abuse, and other issues.

A very entertaining series overall.

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Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Thirteenth Child (review)

The Thirteenth ChildThe Thirteenth Child by J.L. O'Faolain

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a good start to the series. There's plenty of action, and a nice who dunnit. I liked Cole's character, he's very upfront and doesn't pretend; he can't be easily labeled as gay or straight, b/c he was involved in a threesome w/a woman and a man. And though he has a special connection with another female character, I think it was more like he envisioned this future with her b/c it would be easier and less complex than the one he has with James. But it's just an idea and not reality. Still at the end he has a one night stand with a woman and prior to that he had a 3some w/James and Inspector Joss Vallimun; so I think it's more like he's not hung up on gender when it comes to bed partners and just enjoys the attraction to males or females in equal measure.

Now James, I wanted to understand him and his whole dilemma with coming out or accepting the fact that he likes men; but he made it really difficult and only managed to frustrate me and made me dislike him a little. Especially b/c after each time he was together with Cole he acted like he'd been unwilling.

The story ends in a sort of cliffhanger b/c there's still some matters left unresolved and unanswered questions; and while there is no actual romance in this one, there's a potential love interest for Cole.

I was really happy with this,so I'm definitely hoping for more.

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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Eat or Be Eaten (Review)

Eat Or Be EatenEat Or Be Eaten by Yamimaru Enjin

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

First read: June 4-6, 2010

*"The way to a man's heart is through his stomach." At least that's the case with Masaki Ashizawa. On a search for the perfect chef, he falls in love with the delicious cuisine that Individu's chef-Shuichiro Tsubaki prepares. Elated that he has gotten to the end of his search, he finds himself disappointed when Tsubaki turns his offer down.

Not one to give up, and knowing in his heart that Tsubaki has to be the one-he offers to work as a waiter for one month in order to gain Tsubaki's trust. But even if he convinces Tsubaki to give him a chance; a secret may tear his dream to pieces.

There's a nice 'flavor' to this novel. I felt the author's love of fine cuisine imbued in her descriptive details of each dish; the tiny details and background she tells of what it takes to make a restaurant work, and what makes the grande maison so different from your average restaraunts where fine touches that enhanced the story very well.

The Individu's characters had their own personality and each of their skills meshed flawlessly and warmly it gave me this 'I wish I were there' feeling.

*quote by Fanny Fern

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Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Aristocrat and the Desert Prince (review)

The Aristocrat and the Desert Prince  The Aristocrat and the Desert Prince by Haruhi Tono

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was an okay read. Although well written, it felt almost distanced or dispassionate to me. There was no connection with the characters, and even the characters' feelings for each other feel superficial. Takeyuki's personality was a little annoying at times-Zayid said it best, 'impetuous airhead'. As the youngest son he was spoiled by all of his family, so his attitude is sort of understandable-he made me want to smack him upside the head every now and then though.

Zayid is definitely an intriguing character, but I didn't get to know him well since the story is in Takeyuki's POV. In his interactions with Takeyuki though I got the sense that Zayid would be a nice influence on him. He was firm and didn't tolerate Takeyuki's bratty tantrums; he didn't accede to Takeyuki's every whim and so it gave me the feeling he could grow into a mature and unselfish man with Zayid. The illustrations are gorgeous and beautifully done, adding that little oomph that I felt the story lacked.

I'm a huge fan of Sheikhs and romance in the desert so that made it worth the read for me.

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Saturday, May 7, 2011

I Want to Bite (Review)

I Want To Bite  I Want To Bite by Isaya Takamori

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I'm a fan of Kawai-sensei's; so knowing that she had done the illustrations for this novel was what drove me to buy this. I'm not familiar with Takamori-sensei's work, so I didn't know what to expect.

I can now say that I hope to read more of her works in the future. This was a nice read; well written and with great characters. I liked the vampire world she created, the idea of how werewolves and ghouls came about or are created, and the whole vampire society/hierarchy.

The illustrations were gorgeous, adding an extra spark to a story of grief and loss, of revenge and betrayal, but also of redemption and love. Overall a very satisfying read.

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