"She is too fond of books, and it has turned her brain." — Louisa May Alcott

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Thirteenth Child (review)

The Thirteenth ChildThe Thirteenth Child by J.L. O'Faolain

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a good start to the series. There's plenty of action, and a nice who dunnit. I liked Cole's character, he's very upfront and doesn't pretend; he can't be easily labeled as gay or straight, b/c he was involved in a threesome w/a woman and a man. And though he has a special connection with another female character, I think it was more like he envisioned this future with her b/c it would be easier and less complex than the one he has with James. But it's just an idea and not reality. Still at the end he has a one night stand with a woman and prior to that he had a 3some w/James and Inspector Joss Vallimun; so I think it's more like he's not hung up on gender when it comes to bed partners and just enjoys the attraction to males or females in equal measure.

Now James, I wanted to understand him and his whole dilemma with coming out or accepting the fact that he likes men; but he made it really difficult and only managed to frustrate me and made me dislike him a little. Especially b/c after each time he was together with Cole he acted like he'd been unwilling.

The story ends in a sort of cliffhanger b/c there's still some matters left unresolved and unanswered questions; and while there is no actual romance in this one, there's a potential love interest for Cole.

I was really happy with this,so I'm definitely hoping for more.

View all my reviews


J.L. O'Faolain said...


Book Two has been shipped off to the editors and I am waiting to hear back from them. I'm hoping for a fall release date but I won't promise anything right now. Thank you for the kind words and I hope you enjoy the next in the series.

MaryS said...

Nice to know we get to see more of Cole. I'm interested in how his relationship/collaboration w/Joss will turn out. I'll definitely be checking it out! :)